In-person class for
expecting couples
First in-person group class for expecting parents!
We Christina @geburtsfreundin & Iliona @birthinportugal are excited to announce you this class and share the practicalities about becoming parents in Portugal together with insights and tips on how to navigate pregnancy, birth and postpartum as a couple👇🏽
If you are pregnant and:
✨searching for classes for both you and your partner
✨wishing to learn the basics about becoming parents in Portugal
✨seeking ways to show your partner how he can support you during labor and birth
✨looking to connect with other expecting couples in the Porto or surrounding area
💛 If this is you and calls your interest, do reach out via emial or instant message in social media and/or check the registration link with all the infos.
We are so glad that you can benefit from all the precious insights and practical tips you will gain from this class!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Christina and Iliona